
I am Miguel Heredia.

I develop websites,
and I like to do it well.

I am a Freelance Programmer with 17 years of experience and
a Degree in Technical Engineering of IT Systems.

My skills

My forte is Front-End. I am specialized in HTML5, CSS3, jQuery and AJAX, as well as PHP.
I have already worked with different kinds of CMS, including WordPress, PrestaShop and Typo3.

What I consider important for my work

  • A close connection to the client, which helps the project to advance with confidence.
  • A reasonable price for both sides. Good work has to be paid well.
  • I have made mistakes and will do. It´s a pleasure to learn from them.
  • Open Source and the freedom of the internet. I like Ubuntu, Firefox and NetBeans.
  • My mobile office, I have been to many places – where will I be tomorrow?
  • Experimenting and sharing.
  • To enjoy life on an everyday basis and to pay my taxes.

Who I like working with

I like surrounding myself with talented people, people that bring you a step ahead. I especially enjoy working with the programmer Javier Aranda, the graphic designer Naiara Odriozola and the communication expert and graphic designer Cristina Fernández.

Where I like working

One day I incidentally discovered that I could work and be on the move at the same time. A stimulating surrounding is of special importance. That´s why I like sharing my desk. I have already done so in different coworking spaces like: Betahaus (Berlin), utopic_US (Madrid), Urban Station (Istanbul), ZAWP (Bilbao), the Hive (Bangkok), Thunderbolt Collective (Berlin) and at present Pipoca (Barcelona).

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